Meet Jola Sung – Newly Certified Abecedarian Coach

Our Educators and Early Learning Teachers are the champions of our research-driven Lifelong Learning Approach in our centres. They are passionate, qualified professionals who know the endless learning opportunities available in our centres, and they are driven to share this wonder and world of possibilities with their children.

In addition to being supported by their Centre Manager, our Educators can perform their roles confidently, knowing that the Lifelong Learning Approach is backed by contemporary research. Each day our Educators are supported by a behind-the-scenes team of passionate professionals who are committed to ensuring we provide children with the best possible start to life. One member of this team, Education Advisor Jola Sung, has recently extended her professional expertise by completing the 3a-Abecedarian Approach Australia Practitioner, Affiliate Trainer, and Coach certifications.

Completion of this highly respected and esteemed program is a significant achievement. As a certified 3a Coach, Jola is now equipped to coach and mentor Affinity Education Educators in the implementation of the 3a-Abecedarian Approach Australia educational approach in our centres.

We want to learn more about Jola’s experience undertaking the certification and how she thinks children, families and Educators alike will benefit from her training. Here's what she had to say.  

Hi Jola! Can you tell us a little bit about your professional background? 

Sure! I’ve worked in the early childhood sector since 2010. I completed my Bachelor of Early Childhood Education in 2013 and, since then, I have completed my Diploma in Leadership & Management and the Abecedarian Practitioner, Affiliate and Coach certificates. I am currently studying the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.

Why 3a

Abecedarian teaching practices are already deeply engrained in our Lifelong Learning Approach. It is supported by years of research and is proven to have a positive impact on children’s life outcomes. Children’s language and socialisation skills have a significant impact on their future development – therefore it is vital we support it intentionally in the early years. We already love talking with our children, so why not adopt the Abecedarian Approach in our conversations so we can talk more frequently and intentionally to boost our children’s language and vocabulary?

How will these certifications improve the support you provide our Educators and Teachers? 

My Coach training has already improved my skills in sharing my knowledge in the Abecedarian Approach and how I advocate for the importance of language in early childhood. I am better equipped to deliver the approach effectively in ways that connect with our Teachers and Educators. As an Abecedarian Coach, I also have access to inclusive teaching resources to share with our centre teams through workshops and eLearn courses.

What are some ways this certification will inform your work as an Education Advisor at Affinity Education? 

Being an Abecedarian Coach will improve my skills in designing and delivering our Lifelong Learning Evidence-Informed Practice Workshops to our Educators in our Early Experiences (1-3) groups. It will also empower me to be the best coach and mentor I can when I am delivering this training in our centres.

For Educators who are interested in furthering their studies, I am now able to deliver 3a training and support them to be certified as an Abecedarian Practitioner. It’s important to amplify the importance of supporting children’s language development and socialisation in the early years and I am pleased that I am more equipped to inspire and guide our teams!

How did you come to enrol in this program?  

It was an honour to be invited by Affinity to complete the Practitioner course to support our teaching practices in our centres. My training was divided between the Department of Education in Cairns and the University of Melbourne (via virtual sessions). The training progress has been transformative – it has added more depth and intention in the way I interpret language with young children, and I am more excited than ever to share this with our Educators and Teachers. The Abecedarian Approach is supported by so much research, yet the specific teaching strategies we can implement to support children’s learning and development are very practical.

How did Affinity Education support you during your training/studies? 

Affinity Education fully funded my studies and allowed me to attend the training within work hours. As I have been provided with ongoing opportunities to share my knowledge in the Abecedarian Approach within my role, it also provided me with regular practice.

What do you find most fulfilling about your role as Education Advisor? 

I love that I work closely with our passionate Teachers and Educators around Australia to help them deliver quality education and care. I love connecting with them and sharing my knowledge and experience to inspire their pedagogy and practice. Plus, our Teachers and Educators inspire me every day with their passion, creativity, and love for children. It is so rewarding to work alongside them to stretch their thinking! I know this has such a significant impact on our children, our leaders of the future.

I am honoured to be the Subject Matter Expert in the Abecedarian Approach at Affinity Education and appreciate the opportunity they have given me to become a Coach in a practice I strongly believe in. I look forward to connecting with more Educators this year virtually and face-to-face to continue learning more about effective strategies to support children’s language development.

Want to learn more about how we empower our people to excel? Get in touch with our People & Culture team today to learn more about current opportunities, training opportunities, and how we can help grow your career in early childhood education and care.