Gender Pay Gap Employer Statement  

Gender Pay Gap Employer Statement


Affinity Education Group is committed to creating an equitable and inclusive workplace where all individuals are valued and compensated fairly, regardless of gender. Our Gender Equality Policy exists to ensure no current or potential employees are disadvantaged on the grounds of gender.

Affinity Education Group is committed to the principle of equal opportunity in employment and welfare for staff and will continue to develop equal opportunity practices and programs compatible with its overall goals and responsibilities. This commitment is consistent with the principles of justice, equity and the pursuit of excellence which should apply in any organisation and conforms to the spirit and intent of workplace gender equality legislation.

Affinity Education Group accepts that it has a responsibility to create an employment environment free of gender discrimination. It will ensure that its structures and practices are free from direct or indirect discrimination based on gender and/or other characteristics as mentioned in the Equal Opportunity and Anti-Discrimination Policy. Affinity Education Group recognises that it has a responsibility to develop programs in employment which redress, where appropriate, the effects of past discriminatory practices within the community, and that it has a responsibility to take positive steps to overcome gender inequality of opportunity.


Recognising the existence of gender pay gaps and their impact on equality, we are committed to review, manage, and minimise gender pay gaps.


Key strategies and actions


  1. Equal Opportunities: We recruit for all vacant positions based on a person’s skills, capabilities, knowledge, attitude, and qualifications. Once employed by Affinity Education Group, employees are provided with equal opportunities for career growth, professional development, promotions and pay rises based on their performance, completion of additional accredited training and their own personal merits, free from gender bias.


  1. Education and Training: Our Affinity Learning Academy and Bachelor Scholarship Program pathway offers fully funded accredited training to employees regardless of gender. In addition, our People and Culture Team regularly provide counselling and advice to ensure that employees and Centre Managers are aware of the potential for gender bias and work proactively to avoid or if necessary, address this.


  1. Policies: In addition to our Gender Equality Policy, all of Affinity’s policies are reviewed and regularly assessed to ensure no gender bias exists within these policies and that they cannot be used to create an unfair bias towards one gender. This includes renumeration, compensation and bonus policies and regular pay structure reviews for centre-based and Head Office roles.


  1. Accountability and Measurement: Affinity Education Group commits to holding ourselves accountable by regularly evaluating our progress towards closing any identified gender pay gap.


  1. Values based and Inclusive Culture: Our Affinity Way values create a culture that values team spirit, open communication and celebration of our people based on their achievements and abilities – where gender is not a relevant factor.


Key Findings for Affinity Education Group – Gender Pay Gap Analysis (2022-2023)


Affinity’s Gender Pay Gap: Affinity’s median gender pay gap is –0.1%, which indicates that women are paid more on average than men. This compares favourably with the median gender pay gap of the industry group of 4.3% where men are paid more on average than women.


Median Base Salary: Affinity’s Median base salary gender pay gap is 0% indicating no gap between women and men. This compares favourably with the industry group which shows that men are paid 4.3% on average more than women.


Pay Gap by Job Type:

It is important to note that 96% of Affinity’s employees are remunerated through Awards which sets the rates of pay based on qualifications, role, and experience over time.


Remuneration is based on the role, industry remuneration benchmarks, qualifications, and experience, not on gender. Affinity's recruitment process does not focus on the gender of candidates.



Reviewing and committing to equitable and fair pay across genders is an important and valid process for Affinity Education Group, which aligns with our company vision and values. Gender is not a consideration in who is recruited and what they will be paid. Our focus is on employee qualifications, values, skills, and experience. Our pay rates will be a true and fair reflection of qualification, skill, employee value and the requirements and KPIs of the position.


Our goal is for all employees to enjoy a career with Affinity Education Group where they can realise their full potential, irrelevant of gender.



Tim Hickey

CEO, Affinity Education Group

February 2024