Papilio Early Learning Wakerley is thrilled to have been recognised by Affinity Education Group for the work of their Early Childhood Teacher Noopur Lakhera in providing equitable opportunities for children in the Kindergarten classroom.
Affinity’s QLD State Manager Caz Laramy provided the recognition on a national International Womens Day call attended by more than 200 educators, teachers, Centre Managers and representatives from Affinity’s Quality, Education, Operations and Executive teams.
Area Manager Angeles Stark had nominated Noopur for the recognition, especially due to her strong STEM program linked to Affinity’s Lifelong Learning Curriculum ‘Big Thinkers STEM’.
“Noopur believes in giving every child equal opportunity to explore and learn and become the best version of themselves,” Caz said.
“She encourages a strong STEM program that sees girls strive to become confident in fields where women are often under-represented.”
“Noopur’s program has seen all children learning to make predictions, engage in effective interventions and provide explanations to frequently asked questions about the ways in which the world works.”
Noopur said the IWD 2023 theme ‘Embrace Equity’ aligned with the National Quality Standards which Early Childhood Teachers running Kindergarten programs are guided by.
“The NQS promotes the safety, health and wellbeing of children,” Noopur said.
“As a reflective teacher, I achieve and benefit every day from equitable opportunities. My peers and mentors at Papilio Early Learning Wakerley encourage me to incorporate my philosophy and cultural practices into my teaching. I work in a collaborative environment and feel I am a valued member of the Affinity Education community.”
Noopur shared an observation of a child within her Kindergarten classroom who had recently migrated to Australia and therefore had limited English skills.
“The child’s transitions were thoughtfully planned to ensure they felt that our Kindergarten was an extension of their wider world – an extended family for them. We taught the other children words in the child’s native language, and held classroom discussions about the country the child had migrated from. Many children in our classroom now use words in the child’s native language to include them in conversations, remind them of activities such as washing hands or invite them to play on bikes. The child’s favourite songs have been included in our classroom playlist, and we are now seeing this child confidently settled, comfortable as they adapt to a new language and culture.”
Noopur thanked Affinity Education and her teams for the recognition and for the community’s commitment to equity.
Thomas Armstrong said, “A strength-based classroom is a place where all children come together as equals to form a new type of learning environment, and I am grateful to work in a Kindergarten which recognises this,” Noopur said.