Early Childhood Educator’s Day

Affinity Education Group is excited and proud to recognise more than 3000 Early Childhood Educators and Teachers in our community today.

CEO Tim Hickey said the entire community which includes some 150 Lifelong Learning Centres in Western Australia, New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Canberra and the Northern Territory, had pulled together in 2020.

“This year has been unlike any other for our sector, and our educators have been in the front line.” Mr Hickey said.

“Each educator has had to adapt to the realities of COVID-19, while continuing to provide consistent, high quality early education and care.

“They are essential. They are heroes.”

“Our Affinity values including Going Above and Beyond, Delivering Outstanding Professionalism and Living the Team Spirit have never been more evident than they have been this year.

“Our children have thrived this year, because of the hard work and effort each and every one of our educators has put in.”

“The impact quality early education and care can make in the first five years of children’s lives can set them up for positive outcomes for years to come.”

“That’s why we support our people – with ongoing training, development, appreciation and recognition, for the work they do. Today is their day,” Mr Hickey said.

Working in the early childhood sector is not without challenges – but our people believe the rewards are beyond compare.”

 “I love being there to see the children’s journey’s, but also the families journey’s,” says Chloe Vines, Centre Manager at Papilio Early Learning Lutwyche.

“If you give everything you’ve got, the children will match that enthusiasm,” says Phillip Lovell, Early Childhood Teacher at Gumtree Cottage.

Dr Lesley Jones, who leads the Education Team at Affinity Education Group, said Early Childhood Educator's Day is a special event in the calendar for the thousands of professionals working across the sector.

"This is not only a time to show appreciation for the hard work, passion and dedication early childhood educators and teachers across the country bring to their work every day, but it is also a time to acknowledge the growing professionalism of the Early Childhood Education in Australia," she said.

"This year has been an especially trying one for many Australian families, and through the disruption, turmoil and anxicty of the COVID-19 pandemic, early childhood educators have stood steady; continuing to support children and families in their local communities."

"This year, more than ever before I feel humbled to be part of this wonderful profession and to have the opportunity to see our educators ‘in action’ in Centres across Australia.  Their love of teaching, their enjoyment in working with young children and the impact they have on the lived experiences of children and families is profound.  And so I say ‘Thank you” to every one of our hard working, dedicated and passionate educators and teachers on this year’s Early Childhood Educators Day."

All educators working in Affinity Education Group centres will enjoy a morning tea, and appreciation packs including gift cards.

In the leadup to Early Childhood Educators Day, our people shared with us some of the highlights of their profession. We celebrate you all!